Career Development Program


Career Development Program


Career Development Program

NISBETS is investing heavily in a career development program that will give you more skills, a Nationally Recognised Qualification and give you more opportunities for personal and professional growth.

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Less than 3 hours a month

Nationally Recognised Training

Group and Online Training

Access to Student Discounts

What will you gain out of this?

Customised training empowering you with more skills and tools applicable to your role.

Nationally Recognised

You will gain a nationally recognised qualification from Cert III to Cert IV

Working Hours

All the training will be completed during working hours.

No Exams or Essays!

Just practical work-based projects with short answer questions.

Fully Paid For

NISBETS is paying for this so no costs to you and no HECS debt.

Cert III in Retail Operations

The training course will build on your existing knowledge and formalise your experience. 

This qualification reflects the role of individuals working in retail operations. They may work in various retail store settings, including fashion stores, department stores, and high end specialty stores.

Individuals at this level work as part of a retail team to build customer relationships, maintain store safety, and communicate effectively to support the team and customer outcomes.

They are competent workers within a customer service environment and can effectively sell products and services.

They may be able to recommend specialty products within the workplace.


What will you learn?

The training course will build on your existing knowledge and formalise your experience. 

  • SIRXCEG001 Engage the customer
  • SIRXCEG002 Assist with customer difficulties
  • SIRXCEG003 Build customer relationships and loyalty
  • SIRXCOM002 Work effecvely in a team
  • SIRXIND001 Work effectively in a service environment
  • SIRXRSK001 SK001 Identify and respond to security risks
  • SIRXSLS001 Sell to the retail customer
  • SIRXWHS002 Contribute to workplace health and safety
  • SIRRINV001 Receive and handle retail stock
  • SIRRINV002 Control stock
  • SIRXMGT001 Supervise and support frontline team members
  • BSBMKG401 Profile the market
  • SIRRMER001 Produce visual merchandise displays
  • SIRRMER003 Coordinate visual merchandising activities
  • SIRRRTF001 Balance and secure point-of-sale terminal
  • SIRWSLS002 Analyse and achieve sales targets
  • SIRWSLS003 Build sales of branded products

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The course was a great learning platform to start my career in retail. The class met face to face once a month which added great value to the training as we could discuss issues and experiences together. Our trainer was amazing with excellent knowledge and presentation skills. It was always good fun and enjoyable.

Libby Nguyen

Cert III in Retail Operations


  • I already have a degree. Is this right for me?

    Workplace training is designed to compliment your existing skills set and prior qualifications.

  • Is this course Nationally Recognised?


    All of these Certificates and Diplomas are Nationally Recognised qualifications.

  • How many hours per month will I need to study?

    Most training is conducted once a month for 2-4 hours.

  • What happens if I miss a class?

    You will work with your trainer to ensure you have a chance to catch up.

  • Is this the same qualification I would get from TAFE?


    When it comes to qualifications, it’s not just your organisation of choice that matters, but whether your qualification has been accredited nationally. These Nationally Reognised Qualifications are regulated by ASQA. Any qualification that is accredited by ASQA will be recognised across Australia. As stated by ASQA, accreditation is formal confirmation that the course:

    • is Nationally Recognised
    • meets an established industry, enterprise, educational, legislative or community need
    • provides appropriate competency outcomes and a satisfactory basis for assessment
    • meets national quality assurance requirements
    • is aligned appropriately to the AQF where it leads to a qualification. 

    No matter which institution you gain your qualification at, if it is Nationally Recognised, it is acknowledged as having met a significant standard.

  • Do I have to do homework or study at home?

    No, the courses will be completed during work hours.

  • I have a lot of experience already why should I do this?

    This will be an excercise in formalising your existing experience and giving you a Nationallly Recognised Qualification.

  • Are there ANY costs?

    No.  This entire training program has been paid for you will not have to pay anything at all.

    In fact, you will get paid to learn as this takes place under company time.

Still have more questions?

Our partners at Industry Upskill are here to support you so if you have questions about an alternate course or any other questions, please book a call with them or contact Ishani.

Book a call with our learning partner
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